
Learners report overview

1 minute read

The learners report overview page highlights the important data you need to know while tracking the progress of your learners as well as their performance on GoSkills.

Learners report overview

  • To access your learners report overview page, select 'Learners' under the REPORTS section of your admin dashboard.

Learners nav

  • The learner report overview page is organized into four sections:
    • Summary information
    • Active learners
    • Gamification stats
    • Learner performance

  • You can filter all of the data in these sections by date, learner status, library, and team. You can also search for a specific learner with their name or email address.


Summary information

  • The first section on the learners report overview is summary information. This section includes the following data:
    • Learners with a course in progress
    • Learners who have completed a course
    • Certificates earned
    • Total time spent learning
    • Total coins earned

Summary information

Active learners

  • Below the summary of information is a quick view of each month that your learners were active. Hover over a yellow bar on the chart to see how many learners were active for that month.

Active learners

Gamification stats

  • Next is the Gamification stats section. This section displays the number of learners that have reached each gamification tier.
  • If you select 'View report' in this section, you will see a more in-depth reporting of your learners rankings.

Gamification stats

Learner performance

  • The final section is Learner performance, where you can see a list of each learner's following data:
    • Courses in progress
    • Courses completed
    • Lessons completed
    • Last accessed
    • Time spent learning
    • Coins collected
    • Status

Learner performance

If you have any questions about the learners report overview, you can reach out to our support team at