
Courses report overview

1 minute read

The courses report overview page provides a quick summary of course progress and your organization's total time spent learning. This overview page is also a great way to get a glimpse of your learners' progress on a specific course. 

Courses report overview

  • To access your courses reports overview page, select 'Courses' under the REPORTS section of your admin dashboard.

Courses nav

  • The courses report overview page is organized into two sections:
    • Summary information
    • Courses

  • You can filter all of the data in these sections by date, course type, course status, library, and team. You can also search for a specific course title.


Summary information

  • The first section on the courses report overview is summary information. This section includes the following data:
    • Courses started
    • Courses in progress
    • Courses completed
    • Lessons completed
    • Total time spent learning

Summary information

  • If you select 'Courses completed' in this section, you will see a more in-depth reporting of the courses that have been completed by your learners.

You can find out more about the courses completed report here: Courses completed report


  • Each course listed in the Courses section will show the following activity:
    • Learners started
    • Learners in progress
    • Learners completed
    • Average test score
    • Status


If you have any questions about the courses report overview, you can reach out to our support team at